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Ruth Barrons Roosevelt Series
Ms. Roosevelt, a formidable day-trader herself, has been professionally coaching traders around the world to psychological trading excellence for more than a decade. Ms. Roosevelt has successfully traded her own money in equities and futures since 1979. She is a former Vice President of Prudential Securities and of Thomson McKinnon. From 1981 to 1986 she headed the International Moneyline Trading Desk at Rudolf Wolf (New York). Before that she was a stock and futures broker at Drexel Burnham Lambert.
Ms. Roosevelt authored five books about the psychology of successful trading: “Exceptional Trading: The Mind Game”(Traders Press, 1999), “12 Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders”(Traders Press, 2001), “Overcoming Seven Deadly Sins of Trading” (Traders Press, 2003), “Keeping a Cool Head in a Hot Market” (Traders Press, 2005), and “Mind Power: Thought Techniques for High-Powered Trading” (Traders Press, 2011). Dozens of her articles have been published in numerous trading magazines. She is a frequent contributor to Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities.
A graduate of the University of Michigan Law School, she is a member of the New York and California Bar Associations. In 1992, she founded the Wall Street Hypnosis Center. Ms. Roosevelt’s psychological techniques have been instrumental in bringing the power of the unconscious mind to Wall Street professionals as well as the larger world-wide trading community. The Center has assisted thousands of people to overcome unwanted habits, establish success patterns and to achieve their optimal effectiveness. Ms. Roosevelt and The Wall Street Hypnosis Center has been profiled in Business Week, Barron’s, Glamour, New York, The Independent (of London), The Toronto Star, The New York Times, and many other publications. Art Collins profiled her in his “When Super Traders Meet Kryptonite” (Traders Press, 2001).”
Ruth Barrons Roosevelt Series
Ms. Roosevelt has appeared on numerous national and international television programs including CBS, NBC, CNN and WWOR Evening News, CNBC, NBC The Today Show, Good Morning American, Japan Public Television, Nippon Television, Hungarian Public Television, Finland Television Channel 3, and the David Letterman Late Night Show.
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