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Fixedratio Course

The Key to Extraordinary Success in trading is not whether you have the holy grail trading strategy. In fact, such a strategy does not exist.

The great news is that you don’t need the holy grail trading strategy to experience extraordinary success in trading.

The Key to Extraordinary Success in trading is applying the proper money management approach to whatever strategy you are trading.

The one question every single trader has to answer every single time they enter a trade is "how much of my account should I risk on this trade?"

This incredibly important question is given very, very little attention in the trading industry. But as you will see from this video, how you answer this question is vitally important.

How important? Watch the video and find out why you should not take another trade without this information.


About the Course

When you sign up for the Course, you will receive instant and perpetual access to our 10-hour online video course complete with slides.

The course will forever change how you view trading. It is the most thorough, straight-forward, practical money management course in the trading industry.

Most traders are focused on where to get in and where to get out (entry and exit rules). Few give little, if any attention to the important question of "how much of my account should I risk on this trade".

It is the answer to this question that empowers a trader to not only achieve extraordinary success, but to also preserve capital when things don’t go quite the way you planned.

Covers Every Aspect of Applying a Practical Approach to Your Account

Foundations of Proper

Inefficiencies of Most Strategies

Martingale and Anti-Martingale Strategies

The Effects of Asymmetrical Leverage

Understanding the Fixed Ratio Strategy

How to Be More Conservative or Aggressive

Applying Fixed Ratio to Any Trading Strategy

Understanding and Applying Rate of Decrease

Fixed Ratio and Multiple Strategies (Portfolio)

Example Strategies Applications

Example Trading Plans Implementing Fixed Ratio

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