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Frank Kern – Stefan Georgi – The Ads Madness Masterclass

Hey, it’s Frank Kern and Stefan Georgi here.

Inside this letter, you’re going to find an exclusive invitation to join us for a LIVE 3-Day Masterclass.

It’s something we’ve never done before, and we’ll likely never do it again…

But when you do accept the invitation that’s below, we’re going to:

  • Give you an easy and proven framework for generating nearly unlimited Ad Ideas and Hooks…and it works for FB, YouTube, IG, , , Email, and every other platform you can think of
  • Take you through 7+ over-the-shoulder examples where you can follow along as we implement this framework in real time…
  • And hand you Frank’s proven Facebook Setup for launching and scaling ads that convert on cold traffic…including a full breakdown of the $4 offer that has made him millions of dollars.

And if that wasn’t enough to already have you jumping out of your seat, throwing your hat up into the air, and screaming “Hot diggity dog!”…

Here are some more of the goodness you can expect when you join us for this one-time-only LIVE Masterclass Event…

  • Frank will be breaking down his “Big 3 Retargeting Musts” that most media buyers will NEVER share publicly…
    Along with the “lazy genius” way he leverages machine learning to out-scale the competition…
  • You’ll also discover the “FAQ-Bridge Strategy” that the biggest brands in direct response and eCom use to rapidly create dozens of hooks and mini-leads for their ads…often in less than an hour…
  • Plus, we’ll break down each of the most common Ad Types that are scaling on Facebook and YouTube RIGHT NOW, with plenty of commentary from both of us.

Okay, you can go ahead and say it:

“Hot diggity dog!” 

And those are only the first two sessions…

We’ve actually saved the best for last…

Because in Live Masterclass #3…

You will IMPLEMENT everything you’ve learned LIVE, in-person, with us.

That’s right…

By our final session together we’ll have you creating hooks, writing ads, and setting up campaigns…

And then you’ll even have the chance to get feedback from both Stefan and Frank.*

Now we’ll show you exactly how you can sign up for this one-time-only Live Masterclass in just a second…

*We can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to give every single attendee feedback, but we’ll do our darn best to help as many people as possible. And typically we’ve found that often many people will have the same question, so if we answer it for one person it’s helpful to many.

But first, a few quick words about who we are and why we’re offering this to the public...


We’ll start off with Stefan’s specific 9 Step Framework for generating nearly unlimited Ad Ideas and Hooks.

You’ll then be treated to 7+ over-the-shoulder examples where Stefan and Frank use this framework in a variety of niches…

Including Professional Services, SaaS, Health Supplements, Dating/Relationships, High Ticket Coaching, and Lead-Gen.

After that, you’ll be handed Frank’s Mad Scientist Media Buyer Blueprint…

This includes how to actually structure your Facebook Advertising account, when to use different ad objectives, and how to leverage machine learning.

Then you’ll get a detailed breakdown of how Frank has been profitably running a $4 offer on cold traffic for over a year…including a step-by-step look inside Frank’s LIVE Ads Manager…

And we’ll also cover that FAQ-Bridge strategy that we teased you with earlier (and that’s powerful AF)…

Before finishing the day by answering your most burning questions.  


Stefan and Frank will be doing live breakdowns of the most popular ad types that work on Facebook and YouTube. This includes Contrarian Ads, Direct Value Props Ads, Comparison Ads, ERM Ads, and more.

For this day, imagine being at a kitchen table with two of the world’s top marketers as they dissect Ad-after-Ad, sharing what they love about it, what could be better, and more…

And just like if you were sitting at the kitchen table with them…

Stefan and Frank will both be there to answer your questions too…

Plus, during Day 2 Frank will also be walking attendees through his legendary Educational Ad Framework…

Which is a rinse-and-repeat, templatized structure that he’s used to selling millions of dollars worth of offers on Facebook and YouTube.


Our final masterclass is all about IMPLEMENTATION.

This is the time for you to really USE what you’ve learned, and to have the chance to get feedback from Frank and Stefan when you do.

The way it works is that we’ll briefly review everything we’ve covered so far at the beginning of class…

Then we’ll have 1-2 “sprint sessions,” where you’ll have dedicated time to come up with hooks, write ads, and even potentially set up or launch a new ad campaign.  

Then at the end of Day 3…

We’ll come together to review some of our students’ work, provide feedback or suggestions, and perhaps even lavish praise on you.

This whole Masterclass is going to be a BLAST…

Especially because the two of us have never collaborated on anything before…

And there’s a 100% probability that we’ll end up needing the F*#@ out on these Ads, marketing strategies, and more…

While making it rain golden nuggets of wisdom...

And we want you to be a part of this conversation.

And much more...

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