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Nicola Delic – Forex Master Levels (

What is Delivered?

You’ll get the Forex Master Levels delivered at your doorstep in a nice, convenient way. Inside the box you’ll find four feature length DVDs as well as an extensive training handbook. You will need to read the manual while you make your way through all the video footage on the DVDs. When you complete the entire course, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a forex genius.

While watching these videos, I learned that I had really ignored some important trading rules. The videos have helped me to break my bad habits that were previously costing me money.

The Members Area

Videos and manuals are all very well, but there are lots of programs out there that offer something similar. The content included in your physical copy is high quality and well worth studying, but there is something even more exciting. Access to an exclusive member area is included with the product. Originally, I didn’t pay any attention to this, but it quickly became my go-to information center. The member area posts regular webinars that keep you updated with current trends and high quality data analysis. If you have any questions or are finding a concept particularly difficult to grasp, there are forums which you can post to. The people on these forums are just like us, knowledgeable and motivated to make money with forex trading. Delic himself even posts on the forum occasionally, lending a guiding hand to help you trade.

I’ve never seen an exclusive members area like this before. It’s got a great, well designed interface that is even accessible on your phone. The constant stream of webinars helps you to keep up with the market and make informed decisions on your trades. The fact that Delic himself, is there to assist is unheard of in the forex community. It shows he really cares about making you money and helping you to trade to the best of your abilities.

The Automated Tracking Software

This software is where you’ll go from theory to practice. The software will teach you real time how to spot potentially lucrative trades. It analyses data from forex real time, allowing you to maximize your gains and minimize any losses.

Forex Master Levels employs the trend trading’ method. It identifies price trends and calculated whether they are worth trading for. The system boasts an 80% success rate in spotting positive trades. This means that even if you have a few losses, they will quickly be made up by wins. Additionally, the software filters out any low return trades. For example, if you’ll only make a fractional win, then the trade won’t even be displayed. This is a great feature, because it meant that you won’t waste any time or money in low yield trades that won’t benefit you in the long run.

The software is user friendly and simple to use. It is designed with people new to trading in mind and comes with an extensive guide in the manual.

How it Works?

The system works with the combination of two principles; knowledge and software. You will receive the knowledge from the training video and manuals while keeping up to date with various webinars. The software automatically draws data from forex and guides you in choosing what forex to buy.

I’ve broken the whole system down into steps so you can see how easily it works

Step 1 – Go through the training material

Remember, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s an actual course. You will have to go through all the training material in order to get the most out of this program. When you first open up the manual, you’ll see the training course outline. This outline will give you an idea of what to expect throughout the course. Four full DVDs of video material are provided, so don’t expect to watch them all in a day. Take your time and let the material fully sink into your brain. Watch the videos and go through the manuals at your own pace. Because this is not a time-based course, you can take as long as you like to finish it. I watched 2 hours of videos per day and found this to be a good pace for me. The training material is great, especially for new traders, as it teaches the fundamentals of Forex from the ground up.

Step 2 – Install and run the program

Once you are done with the training material, startup the program. Although it’s intuitive to use, I spent a little while going through all the options. It’s important to understand the software as well as you can. Mistakes could be costly. The greatest thing I found out about this software is that the software only pings you for the highest profit potentials. That means your profits will soar when you trade on the right options. Using this software I managed to decrease low profit trades.

Step 3 – Open a live Forex trading account

You need to open a live account to start trading. If you are just starting out and are worried about the upfront costs, breathe a sigh of relief. There are brokers that will let you open an account and start trading for as little as $50.

Step 4 – Start Trading

While you may think that this step is the easiest part, it’s actually not. When trading be sure to keep what you learnt in the master class in mind. There is no point to all that studying if you don’t use the information you learnt. The software will be with you 100% of the way, guiding you to the best options and steering you away from bad trades.The system is designed to keep you chugging out profits at a constant rate. It takes time to build up the benefits from your wins, but if you trade part time, making around $1000 a month is an easily achievable goal.

Why You Need It

There are so many training courses dealing with Forex trading at the moment, what makes this one such a great choice? Well, most of those programs are mainly online, consisting only of boring, badly made webinars that cover content matter too complicated for a beginner to understand. This masters program delivers the physical copies of their video training as well as an information-packed manual. The videos are of high production value and the content is engaging and intriguing.

The automated software was developed directly by a team led by Nicola Delic. It was software developed by an actual master who spends unfathomable amounts of decoding raw data from forex. The system was designed by humans, for humans and isn’t a complicated mesh of computer speak and technical terms that no one understands.

Even if your are a true beginner, knowing nothing about Forex or trading, this program will cater to you. At the same time, the higher levels in the training manual will be of interest to seasoned professionals looking to increase their earning potential. Forex is a tricky business, but Delic’s system will help you decide whether all of those high risk, high reward’ trades are worth it.


  • If you are looking at buying the program, these features will give you a nice overview of the software:
  • Made for all levels – Won’t overwhelm beginners or bore those with more know-how. All the information is clearly communicated. The software is simple to understand and user friendly
  • Physical DVDs and Manual – You get the actual DVDs and Manual instead of receiving everything online. This is much better because you can physically page through the manual and make personal notes as you wish.
  • Real Time Analysis Software – The software analyzes data from forex in real time, pinging you when it thinks a good trade is available.
  • Stepwise Method – By taking each user through steps, losses are minimized and the learning curve is gentle.
  • 60-day Money Back Guarantee – If you don’t find the course or the software useful, just return it for a full refund.
  • Direct Access to Nicola – Through the members zone, you’ll have direct access to Nicola and his team, making sure that you are getting the most out of your trading

How Much Does it Cost?

The whole program only costs $997, which is a steal considering you can make that back within the first month. It comes with; four DVDs loaded with video content, an extensive training manual, access to the members only online forum and community as well as the forex tracking software. The cost includes fast and reliable delivery of the product to your door.


The Forex Master Levels program is a great system that delivers reliable and consistent results. It clearly informs you of trends in the market and analyses price trends with a success rate of 80%. if you are like me, and don’t believe in overnight-millionaire methods, you’ll really appreciate this software. It clearly marks where trades are predicted to be successful, allowing you to quickly buy and sell where necessary. The training material provided is surprisingly solid. It does not cut corners, and can easily be understood by someone who has never traded in forex before. Even though I’m a bit more experienced than the average trader, I found the information included to be valuable, teaching me new tricks I didn’t know about.

I would recommend this program to anyone looking to get into trading forex. Where you’ll be doing it part time or full time, this system can earn you a steady income. Consistent performance keeps producing positive results that make my bank balance smile.

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