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– Stock Market Course

I’ve received some interest from traders who would like me to run another live class. If you are interested, please send me an email. It would likely run in late March or early April 2022.

I ran a livestock trading webinar from October 18th through October 29th, 2021 which was offered only to customers who had already purchased the stock market course described on this page. The results were good, to say the least. I had only one losing day out of ten days trading and the final profit was a solid amount by anyone’s standards, especially considering it was made while conducting a class.

Each day was recorded and those recordings are now available to anyone who has gone through the stock course. The price is $995 for the two weeks. If you’ve not yet gone through the course but are seriously interested and you have the capital to day trade stocks, please send me an email so I can explain all the details and pricing for new customers.

Here’s the summary of the Stock Market Course:

Between August 7th and October 15th of 2020, I recorded 46 days of my own trading. There were 32 winning days and 14 losing days. I made a 22.83% net return on the account after activity fees and data fees were deducted. You can scroll down to see statements at the bottom of this page.

The recordings are available to watch at your convenience. You will see the trades. You will see the fills. Nothing is hidden. I’ve also created a new set of Instructional Primer Videos that are specific to stocks. These Primers explain the method and all of the strategies I use.

I’m going to explain as much as I can on this page so people have a comprehensive understanding of what they are getting for the money and why I’m now offering a stock market course in addition to a futures course.

If you read through everything and watch the video below and are interested in ordering the course, please contact me through the email form on my “Contact” page and I will send you more information on the course along with ordering instructions.

Click here to request more information

This is a short video that explains exactly what the course includes. I do show trade and you can see the fills in the time and sales window.

The style of trading I’m presenting is not based on swinging for the fences and trying to catch huge moves. It’s not based around gambling on penny stocks or out-of-the-money options. What I’m presenting is a method of day trading that attempts to minimize risk as much as possible while simultaneously making trades that yield results that are not random.

The 22.83% return is not the part that should grab your attention although it is a good result considering traders can only get 4:1 leverage day trading stocks as opposed to 200:1 leverage in futures. The consistent uptrend in the P&L from day to day with extremely small drawdowns is the part that should grab your attention.

When stockbrokers went to zero commission trading in 2019, I began incorporating stock trading into my routine. I’ve traded stocks in the past but primarily kept with futures because of the leverage. However, trading for free completely changes the game. I cannot begin to convey what a massive edge this provides to day traders. Brand new traders who have never known anything different cannot fully appreciate it but anyone who has paid commissions and seen how much they subtract from the bottom line at year-end knows exactly what I’m saying.

Let me explain…

Futures trading is still one of the few ways it’s possible to run a very small amount of money into a large amount of money. The leverage is unbeatable. In addition, there are some products which are better to trade with futures. When trading treasuries, I watch four different treasury futures markets side by side (on the DOMs) and can often spot a clue in one market which helps identify the direction all of them are heading. Trading the Treasury ETF products on a stock exchange isn’t worthwhile. Currencies would be another example. It’s easier to track currency futures side by side rather than trading high-priced currency ETFs that have low liquidity and require a lot of capital.

The downside is that there is no way to trade futures for free. Even if you are a member of the CME and pay rock bottom fees, you still pay for every contract traded. A person can obviously make plenty of money trading futures but one has to be more selective about trade entries. You can’t just sit around taking shots all day. Every time you click the mouse, it costs you commission dollars and that money is never coming back from the exchanges or the brokers.

If I take five trades that are meant to be fast scalps but none of them go in my direction quickly, I may exit for break-even on all five trades. If I’m trading futures, I pay commissions on those five trades. If I’m trading stocks, I do not. The money saved can be substantial if a person makes a lot of trades and moves some volume. So in the future, you have to be careful to not just sit and churn back and forth all day or all week. Anyone who has made twenty or thirty trades in a day knows what I mean.

There are no commissions for stock trading but there are still activity fees charged by the regulatory agencies. The fees are not much but they can add up. However, it’s possible to get price improvement on fills (something which is not possible with futures). Price improvement is a frequent occurrence.

I may buy and sell 10,000 shares of a stock at the same price but end up making $50 because I get a half-cent improvement on a fill. For example, I may buy 10,000 shares of GE at $11.00 a share and then decide to sell it at $11.00 a share for a break-even trade if it doesn’t move in my favor in a short amount of time but it’s possible that I may get one of those fills at $11.0050. If you multiply.005 by 10,000, you get a profit of $50. So a break-even trade isn’t a break-even trade. It’s a profitable trade in this scenario.

Getting a half-cent improvement isn’t the norm but it is normal to consistently get improvements which make me $5 to $15. I’m absolutely not trading to try and only get price improvement fills but they happen and it’s a big benefit. So if I get even small price improvements on a few trades, the amount made from those better fills covers the activity fees for the day. The money comes back. I’m literally trading for free almost every day. This means I can be a bit more aggressive with my trading because it’s not costing me anything in commissions when I take the shots.

This also vastly increases the number of potential opportunities in a day. If the treasuries are barely moving and the ES is not moving in a way I can read, there may still be some great setups in the individual stocks I’m watching. The ES and NQ (Nasdaq) may be bouncing around in an erratic fashion which isn’t predictable (to me, at least) but I may notice that a certain stock is holding a level extremely well and is offering an easy trade which could make me a few pennies on several thousand shares. One has to be careful not to trade too much if the action doesn’t warrant it but more opportunities normally lead to more profits.

I haven’t ditched futures for stocks. I’m trading both. And this is why I’m now offering a stock market course. The advantages are there and I want my customers to understand them. I’ve also received requests for a stock course over the years so I finally put one together which provides an extremely in-depth look into profitable stock scalping.

The other thing to note is that I use similar strategies in both futures and stocks. The methodology is the same at its core but there are some obvious differences. The strategies have to be adapted to the product. Trading treasury futures is not exactly like trading Ford stock and trading Ford stock is not exactly like trading Apple stock.

Stocks do require more specialization so a person has to learn how to adapt the method to whichever stock is being traded. It takes some knowledge to know which stock to trade at any given time. You have to watch the liquidity, the movement, how it’s moving relative to the indexes, how much size you can move without spiking the price against you, etc. But the core concepts are the same for both futures and stocks. I use the same setups. And this is why customers who purchase the stock course will also have access to the CME/CBOT Primer Videos. Those videos explain many concepts a person needs to understand so they are part of the package.

Before committing to the course, there are some things you should know.

This is 100% equities day trading. No overnight positions. There are also no futures trades in this course. I have received requests for a stock market course for a long time so the intention was to create a webinar that is specific to only stocks. However, I do watch the ES and NQ futures when trading stocks so having access to CME futures data and a good DOM like Jigsaw is recommended although not a requisite.

The idea was to prove it’s possible to consistently grind a profit using scalping techniques which are based upon reading the context and the order flow. There are no guarantees and I emphasize the no guarantee part in all my material but this is a style that holds up over time if you know what you’re doing and doesn’t blow out your account by having a mental meltdown.

Day trading stocks require keeping a minimum daily balance of $25,000 USD. You cannot day trade if you do not have that amount in the account each day before starting. This means a person should have at least $30,000 in risk capital to trade stocks and ideally $50,000 or more.

This method is based on paying zero commissions. Citizens of the U.S. are currently eligible for zero commissions with most brokers but some non-U.S. citizens may not be eligible. You should make sure you can get a zero commission account before you start. It’s possible to make money paying commissions but the bottom line result will not be nearly as good.

The “Activity Fees” you see in the statements are fees charged by the exchanges. When selling a stock, the fees are assessed based on the amount of stock sold (no charge is assessed when buying a stock). Therefore, some traders may cost $1 and some may cost $10 (or more). It depends on the price of the stock and how many shares are traded. As you can see, these fees do eat into the bottom line but not nearly as much as commissions would.

There is not much technical analysis. The method is based on combining a macro read of the context with a micro read of the order flow. When the market is moving, it requires serious focus. It’s not easy and the skillset does have to be developed but the result speaks for itself. A person can learn to do this but it’s not for everyone. If you want to place a trade at 9:40 am and come back to see how it’s doing at 1:00 pm, this isn’t the course for you. And…again…there are no guarantees. I’m not making recommendations of any kind. I’m only showing how I achieved those results.

I’m charging a premium for this course. It’s more than the CME/CBOT Futures webinar (but I am offering a discount to previous futures webinar customers). If that’s more than what you’re looking to invest in education at the moment, I understand but I’ll explain the reasoning.

Customers who order the stock market course will also have access to the CME/CBOT Futures Primer Videos as well as the basic and intermediate courses (but not a CME/CBOT live session). Much of the information available in the CME/CBOT Primer Videos crosses to stocks so customers should watch the futures primers which I recommend in addition to the stock primers. The futures primers will be extremely helpful when going through the stock market course.

Customers are getting access to more than two months of recorded trades. That may be unprecedented in the education industry. It may not be unprecedented but either way, it’s a lot of trades and a lot of my experience being shared. Everything is shown. All the strategies I use are explained in the Futures and Stock Market Instructional Primer Videos.

The new Stock Market Primer Videos include:

  • The Method
  • Getting the edge – Optimizing trade entry timing.
  • Context – Good action vs bad action in stocks.
  • Breakouts
  • Absorption and Backticking – Reversal strategies for stocks
  • Manipulation – Identifying manipulation from institutions and market makers.
  • Workspace setup – These videos will save you many hours of frustration. I show you how to exactly replicate my window layouts in just a few minutes.
  • Order placement – Placing and managing orders as efficiently as possible.
  • And a lot of additional helpful material.

What I do with Primer Videos is take some real trades and break them down step by step. For example, in the Breakout video, I show how I anticipated breakthrough highs/lows, what made me enter at a certain price and what made my exit when I thought the move stopped. In the Absorption and Backticking videos, I show why I thought the current trend was about to stop and explain exactly why I took a fade trade where I did (looking for a pullback or reversal). I rewind and pause the videos repeatedly to point out changes in volume on the bid/ask, prints in the time and sales box, high volume levels in the profile columns, and anything else which led to that particular decision.

I also explain the context in the Primers. This means I am sharing my “big picture” read. For example, a stock may be following the indexes very closely so if it looks like the ES and NQ are about to run higher, then that plays a role in the decision. If the stock is doing its own thing independent of the indexes, then the index movement does not play a role in the decision and it’s more about the current action in the stock.

The times and fills of all trades are provided for each recorded day so you do not have to watch the entire day to find the trades. You’ll be able to scan the video as you want and fast forward to the exact trade times. The P&L for each day is also shown with each video.

You will have access to the course whenever you want. It’s available 24/7 on a member's site. I provide login credentials after you order.

The statements posted below are from a real cash account.

(Keep in mind the October summary is only 11 days of trading)

You will see the August monthly total is actually more than what’s in the daily balances. I made more money the first week of August but I skipped two days that week and I wanted the webinar videos to run consistently from day to day so I started the course on the 7th. In the daily balances, you can also see that I only had two losing days in August. One for -$30 and one for -$20. It was a solid month considering the size of the account.

I started the course in August because I was busy running a futures webinar in July. I stopped recording on October 15th because I was taking off the next week to visit family. It seemed like a logical time to stop the course because there was more than enough recorded material at that point. So this time period was not “cherry-picked” because I happened to have a good run. I was trading stocks earlier in the year but also running futures webinars so this was the time when I could actually record uninterrupted for that many days in a row.

A few final thoughts for this page…

The amount of money made in the statements is nothing special but it is real and it shows what a person can do with a relatively small account. The results are nothing to sneeze at and I was attempting to demonstrate what can possibly be done if a person is starting with minimal capital and attempting to slowly build it without suffering through large swings in the P&L. I combine elements of HFT strategies with discretionary reads which are based on a solid understanding of context (although I do not trade nearly as frequently as most HFT programs). I’m looking for multiple situations which offer fast, easy money. I’m not looking to gamble on an overnight position and wake up to a $5,000 win or $5,000 loss.

An important point to note is that a person can definitely scale up with this method. There are some stocks that are a bit thin and have some limitations in terms of size but there other stocks in which a trader can move substantial size using these same strategies. In fact, having a very large bankroll can be a huge advantage in some situations. It just depends on the stock and the scenario.

I realize there are guys online who talk about making six and seven figures. I am not comparing myself to them nor will I speak negatively about them but the problem is that most of them are either not showing the entire picture or they already have massive accounts and are swinging massive size. And it’s very difficult to know whether they are consistent because you will not find many that are sharing months of data.

A guy can show that he bought out of the money call options and they tripled his money in a week. But he may not show that he tried that same trade five more times the following month and none of those trades were profitable. The one which was profitable may have happened solely because a news event occurred which drove the Dow 1,000 points higher that week and his options just came along for the ride. One has to be able to replicate the results on a fairly consistent basis in order for the method to be viable.

Yes, some people bought Tesla at the bottom in March of 2020. Yes, some people buy penny stocks that jump $2 overnight. Yes, some people are riding the Bitcoin roller coaster. I get it. If a person can afford to take the shot hoping for a big move and wants to put the money in play, that’s his call and he’ll get no argument from me. His money and his decision and, obviously, a lot of money can be made if a person makes the right long-term call. But that’s not the style of trading I’m sharing. I’m sharing a style that experience has taught me tends to be more sustainable in the long run and leads to fewer sleepless nights.

All bulls are geniuses in a bull market and all bears are geniuses in a bear market. Just remember…a profit is only a profit if you spend it.

If you have the capital and can open an account paying zero commissions and are ready to commit to several months of study, please send me an email and I’ll tell you how to proceed.

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