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"American Economic Review"
Showing 1-15 of 15 items.

Benjamin Eden – A Course In Monetary Economics Sequential Trade, Money, And Uncertainty

Benjamin Eden – A Course in Monetary Economics Sequential Trade, Money, and Uncertainty A Course in Monetary Economics is an insightful introduction to advanced topics in monetary economics. Accessible to students who have mastered the diagrammatic tools...

Benjamin Eden – A Course In Monetary Economics

Benjamin Eden - A Course in Monetary EconomicsA Course in Monetary Economics is an insightful introduction to advanced topics in monetary economics. Accessible to students who have mastered the diagrammatic tools of economics, it discusses real issues...

Warren J.Samuels – A Companion To The History Of Economic Thought

Warren J.Samuels - A Companion to the History of Economic ThoughtAssembling contributions from top thinkers in the field, this companion offers a comprehensive and sophisticated exploration of the history of economic thought. The volume has a...

Charles Morris – Money Greed And Risk

Charles Morris - Money Greed and Risk The world seems awash in financial crises. The Asian crisis of 1998, the near–demise of Long Term Capital Management, and the black hole of Russia are just a few...

Mark Naftel – The Telecoms Trade War

Mark Naftel – The Telecoms Trade WarIf one were to believe the politicians and pundits in the trade press, the world is in midst of a “telecoms revolution,” resulting from (the) deregulation and new competitive opportunities...

Karin Knorr Cetina – The Sociology of Financial Markets

Karin Knorr Cetina – The Sociology of Financial MarketsFinancial markets have often been seen by economists as efficient mechanisms that fulfill vital functions within economies. But do financial markets really operate in such a straightforward manner? The...

Gary Koop – Bayesian Econometric Methods

Gary Koop - Bayesian Econometric MethodsThis volume in the Econometric Exercises series contains questions and answers to provide students with useful practice, as they attempt to master Bayesian econometrics. In addition to many theoretical exercises, this...

Philp Arestis – A Biographical Dictionary Of Dissenting Economists

Philp Arestis - A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting EconomistsAn extensive guide to economists both past and present which provides biographical, bibliographical, and critical information on over 1000 economists working in the non-neo-classical tradition, broadly defined. It...

David M.Jones – Unlocking The Secrets Of The Fed

Unlocking the Secrets of the FedWritten by America's most respected Fed watcher-Dr. David Jones-Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed gets inside the world of monetary and fiscal policymaking and explains how understanding and anticipating the actions...

Joel Hasbrouck – Empirical Market Microstructure

Joel Hasbrouck - Empirical Market MicrostructureThe book discusses the mechanisms by which securities are traded, as well as examining economic models of asymmetric information, inventory control, and cost-minimizing trading strategies.Review "Joel Hasbrouck provides the first integrated...

Brian R.Brown – Chasing The Same Signals

Product DescriptionConventional wisdom suggests that markets are efficient, random walks and that stock prices rise and fall with the fundamentals of the company. How then have black-box traders prospered and how do they exploit market inefficiencies?...

Peter F.Drucker – The Essential Drucker

Father of modern management, social commentator, and preeminent business philosopher, Peter F. Drucker analyzed economics and society for more than sixty years. Now for readers everywhere who are concerned with the ways that management practices and...

N.Balakrishnan – A Primer On Statistical Distributions

N.Balakrishnan - A Primer on Statistical DistributionsDesigned as an introduction to statistical distribution theory. * Includes a first chapter on basic notations and definitions that are essential to working with distributions. * Remaining chapters are divided...

Arun Motianye – SuperCycles

A brilliantly original assessment of what caused the global crash—and a practical plan for investing accordinglySupercycles, according to international economist and strategist, Arun Motianey, are the continuous, long waves of boom and bust that undulate through...

Jean Pierre Florens – Econometric Modeling & Inference

Presents the main statistical tools of econometric, focusing specifically on modern econometric methodology. The authors unify the approach by using a small number of estimation techniques, mainly generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation and kernel smoothing....