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"no risk"
Showing 1-50 of 1,039 items.

Jarratt Davis Vic Noble – High Reward Low Risk Forex Trading Strategies

Jarratt Davis Vic Noble - High Reward Low Risk Forex Trading Strategies

Hrishikesh Vinod & Derrick Reagle – Preparing For The Worst Incorporating Downside Risk In Stock Market Investments

Hrishikesh Vinod Derrick Reagle - Preparing for the Worst Incorporating Downside Risk in StockA timely approach to downside risk and its role in stock market investmentsWhen dealing with the topic of risk analysis, most books on...

Gregory Connor – Portfolio Risk Analysis

Gregory Connor - Portfolio Risk AnalysisPortfolio risk forecasting has been and continues to be an active research field for both academics and practitioners. Almost all institutional investment management firms use quantitative models for their portfolio forecasting,...

Richard L. Weissman – Trade Like a Casino: Find Your Edge, Manage Risk, and Win Like the House

Richard L. Weissman – Trade Like a Casino: Find Your Edge, Manage Risk, and Win Like the House A detailed look at the common characteristics found in most successful traders While there are a variety of...

Seth Gregory & Bob Lambert – Know Where You Live. Risk Management Toolkit

Seth Gregory & Bob Lambert – Know Where You Live. Risk Management Toolkit "Hi Peter,...I was almost ready to give up on the Forex market until I met Seth Gregory and Robert Lambert. WOW, what a...

Dennis Eisen – Using Options To Buy Stocks. Build Wealth With Little Risk And No Capital

Dennis Eisen - Using Options to Buy Stocks. Build Wealth with Little Risk and No CapitalInstructs you on how to generate thousands of dollars a month in premiums to add to stock positions without using your...

Charles Cottle – Diamonetrics for the Novice & Professional (Video & Manual, Excel, 700 MB) (

Charles Cottle - Diamonetrics for the Novice & Professional (Video & Manual, Excel, 700 MB) ( These three hours of recorded (audio/visual) Diamonetrics.avi, the Diamonetrics.pdf Manual, and the Diamonetric Grids.xls (pre-built for immediate chart overlay) will...

Norman Hallett – Taming Risk A Guide For Traders

Norman Hallett, the world-renowned trading advisor, who literally wrote the book on “Taming Risk” reveals…“How To Eliminate Those Devastating Blowout Trades That Strip Your Account Of The Profits You’ve Made For The Day, The Week, or...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Automated Trading Strategies (NEW) – November 2024

Automated Trading Strategies (NEW) – November 2024 Master the World of Automated Trading The Automated Trading Strategies (ATS) course is designed for traders who want to explore the world of automated trading, offering an all-encompassing approach...

Simpler Trading – Dynamic Profit Targets Precise Entries And Exits With No Guesswork E-Learning Module

Simpler Trading – Dynamic Profit Targets Precise Entries and Exits with No Guesswork E-Learning Module What will you learn? John will teach traders how to pick precise entries and exits with no guesswork (Indicators sold separately)...

Victorio Stefanov – Futures Day Trading And Order Flow

Victorio Stefanov – Futures Day Trading And Order Flow This is more than a course, it’s the cornerstone of how successful futures traders actually trade, similar to the development that traders receive at an institution. That...

Brian Shannon – Maximum Trading Gains With Anchored VWAP

Brian Shannon – Maximum Trading Gains With Anchored VWAP Maximum Trading Gains with the Anchored VWAP results from decades of research and application by the author. It builds on Shannon's foundational book, Technical Analysis Using Multiple...

Michael C. Thomsett – Options for Swing Trading: Leverage and Low Risk to Maximize Short-Term Trading

Options for Swing Trading: Leverage and Low Risk to Maximize Short-Term Trading Options traders know all about leverage, and swing traders are keenly aware of entry and exit timing as the key to profits. This book...

Mike McMahon – Risk Management

Mike McMahon - Risk Management 10 Laws of Risk Management - Successful traders, no matter what the financial instrument, have all learned the specific rules to Risk Management, Capital Preservation, and Discipline. This course will take you through...

FRM – 2000-2001-2002 Financial Risk Manager Examination CD, GARP

FRM - 2000-2001-2002 Financial Risk Manager Examination CD, GARPWhat are the requirements for FRM Certification?Pass the FRM Exam Part IPass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 yearsDemonstrate 2 years of related work experienceA candidate demonstrates...

Rene M. Stulz – Readings For The Financial Risk Manager

Rene M. Stulz - Readings for the Financial Risk ManagerReinhold Ebertin, one of the most respected astrologers of the 20th century, presents a clear explanation of how to interpret the daily motion of the planets. Special...

No BS Day Trading – Stock Market Course

No BS Day Trading – Stock Market Course I’ve received some interest from traders who would like me to run another live class. If you are interested, please send me an email. It would likely run...

Scalptraderpro – Scalp The Forex Market Using This Pull Back Pattern For Quick Low Risk Profits

Scalptraderpro - Scalp The Forex Market Using This Pull-Back Pattern For Quick Low-Risk Profits Dear trader, If you are looking for a way to become successful trading Forex, then read this page carefully, because this is...

Kim Heldman – Project Manager's Spotlight On Risk Management

Kim Heldman - Project Manager's Spotlight on Risk Management Clear-Cut Ways to Manage Project Risk If you're a typical project manager, you're probably aware of the importance of risk management but may not have the time...

Greg Gregoriou – Commodity Trading Advisors Risk Performance Analysis And Selection

Greg N. Gregoriou - Commodity Trading Advisors Description Authoritative, up-to-date research and analysis that provides a dramatic new understanding of the rewards and risks of investing in CTAs Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) are an increasingly popular...

Charles Morris – Money Greed And Risk

Charles Morris - Money Greed and Risk The world seems awash in financial crises. The Asian crisis of 1998, the near–demise of Long Term Capital Management, and the black hole of Russia are just a few...

Pristine & Noble DraKoln – The Complete Liverpool Futures Seminar Series

Pristine - Noble DraKoln - The Complete Liverpool Futures Seminar Series Noble DraKoln, a Senior Risk Analyst of Liverpool Derivatives Group and author of the books Futures For Small Speculators and Single Stock Futures For Small...

Michel Crouhy – The Essentials of Risk Management

Michel Crouhy – The Essentials of Risk ManagementThe definitive guide to quantifying risk vs. return–fully updated to reveal the newest, most effective innovations in financial risk management since the 2008 financial crisisWritten for risk professionals and...

Gary Norden – Red Jacket Course (The Norden Method)

Gary Norden – Red Jacket Course (The Norden Method) Gary Norden not only earned the coveted Red Jacket of a LIFFE Local, but also led the derivatives desks for some of the world's largest investment banks...

Mike Elvin – Financial Risk Taking

Mike Elvin – Financial Risk Taking In Financial Risk Taking, trader and psychologist Mike Elvin explores the complex relationship between human behavior patterns and the markets, offering the reader a context in which to assess their...

Noble Drakoln – Winning the Trading Game

Noble Drakoln – Winning the Trading Game"A wealth of trading industry experience emerges in this work. Noble DraKoln covers the essential areas of fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and trading psychology with insight, originality, and refreshing candor....

John Y. Campbell – The Econometrics of Financial Markets

John Y. Campbell – The Econometrics of Financial Markets From the Publisher The past twenty years have seen an extraordinary growth in the use of quantitative methods in financial markets. Finance professionals now routinely use sophisticated...

FRM & 2001 – Financial Risk Manager Examination GARP

FRM - 2001 - Financial Risk Manager Examination, GARP Exams What are the requirements for FRM Certification? Pass the FRM Exam Part I Pass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 years Demonstrate 2 years of...

Bruce Berman – Making Innovation Pay

Bruce Berman - Making Innovation Pay People Who Turn IP Into Shareholder ValueMany companies and executives talk about patents, but few can demonstrate significant returns from them. Who are the elite companies and managers that have...

Michael Hyman – New Ways For Managing Global Financial Risks The Next Generation

Michael Hyman - New Ways for Managing Global Financial Risks The Next GenerationDescriptionLooks at the present state-of-the-art in global financial risk management, and then at the innovations and solutions that are being developed to solve the...

Peter Boer – Technology Valuation Solution

Peter Boer - Technology Valuation SolutionA better way to value the profitability and risk of R&D projectsNew technology and R&D initiatives affect companies in both the service and manufacturing sectors. It's estimated that half a trillion...

William Greene – Econometric Analysis + LimDep Software

William Greene – Econometric Analysis + LimDep SoftwareProduct DescriptionDEFINITION OF ‘TRADING BOOK’The portfolio of financial instruments held by a brokerage or bank. Financial instruments in a trading book are purchased or sold to facilitate trading for...

Kevin Dowd – Measuring Market Risk

Kevin Dowd - Measuring Market RiskDescriptionFully revised and restructured, Measuring Market Risk, Second Edition includes a new chapter on options risk management, as well as substantial new information on parametric risk, non-parametric measurements, and liquidity risks, more practical information...

Stelios Stylianou – Stocklock Masterclass

Stelios Stylianou – Stocklock Masterclass - 9 trading strategies - 10+ hours of video lessons - Private chatroom for more trade ideas and questions - Weekly QNA webinars - Custom scans and layouts on TC2000 From...

Stewart Jones – Advances In Credit Risk Modelling & Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction

Stewart Jones - Advances in Credit Risk Modelling & Corporate Bankruptcy PredictionThe field of credit risk and corporate bankruptcy prediction has gained considerable momentum following the collapse of many large corporations around the world, and more...

Aswath Damodaran – The Dark Side Of Valuation Valuing Old Tech, New Tech, And New Economy Companies

Aswath Damodaran - The Dark Side of Valuation Valuing Old Tech New Tech and New Economy CompaniesRenowned valuation expert Aswath Damodaran reviews the core tools of valuation, examines today’s most difficult estimation questions and issues, and...

Imad A.Moosa – Operational Risk Management

Imad A Moosa - Operational Risk ManagementOperational risk management is attracting the attention of academics and professionals worldwide. Academics are interested in this topic because it provides opportunities for the application of sophisticated statistical techniques, as...

Various – A Huge Collection of Trading, Economic Ebooks (100 & Mostly PDF, Classic & Recent Books)

A Huge Collection of Very Best Trading and Economics books. Many books are recent with some classics. These books will help you with your understanding in economics and trading immensely. Areas of topic include: Economic Indicator,...

FRM & 2000 – Financial Risk Manager Examination, GARP

FRM - 2000 - Financial Risk Manager Examination, GARPWhat are the requirements for FRM Certification?Pass the FRM Exam Part IPass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 yearsDemonstrate 2 years of related work experienceA candidate demonstrates...

Charles Geisst – Undue Influence. How The Wall Street Elite Puts The Financial System At Risk

Charles Geisst - Undue Influence. How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at RiskA critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politiciansUndue Influence paints a vivid portrait...

Walter Bressert – Reducing Risk Using Cycles And Oscillators In The Futures And Stock Markets

Walter Bressert - Reducing Risk Using Cycles and Oscillators in the Futures and Stock MarketsExpert: Walter Bressert Type: PDF Workbook + MP3 Audio Running Time: 90 minutes Workbook Length: 38 pagesWalt continues his discussion of long-term cycles as well as smaller, tradable cycles...

Ari Kiev – The Psychology Of Risk (Audio)

Ari Kiev - The Psychology of Risk (Audio)In The Psychology of Risk: Mastering Market Uncertainty, renowned psychiatrist and trading coach Ari Kiev builds on his internationally acclaimed books Trading to Win and Trading in the Zone...

Tom Demark – Identifying Low-Risk Trading Opportunities + Ultimate Indicators

Tom Demark - Identifying Low-Risk Trading Opportunities + Ultimate IndicatorsUltimate Indicators: In this eye-opening keynote, Tom shares insights on some of his favorite new indicators including those that are fully revealed for the first time in...

Richard Wyckoff – Stock Market Techique No.1

Richard Wyckoff - Stock Market Techique No.1 First published in 1933, this book contains principal articles, editorials, and correspondence originally published in the magazine Stock Market Technique from March 1932 to July 1933, inclusive. Richard Demille...

Carleton Sheets – How to Buy Your First Home or Investment Property with No Down Payment

Carleton Sheets – How to Buy Your First Home or Investment Property with No Down Payment Carleton Sheets is recognized as the best-selling author of the No Down Payment home study course as well as other...

Seth A. Klarman – Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor

Seth A. Klarman – Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor Investors are all too often lured by the prospect of instant millions and fall prey to the many fads of Wall...

ClayTrader – Volcano Trading

ClayTrader – Volcano Trading What Is This Training All About? Find Stocks BEFORE They "Erupt" to the Upside The "breakout trade" can take many different forms, but with this strategy, you will learn how to use...

ClayTrader – Risk Vs. Reward Trading

ClayTrader – Risk Vs. Reward Trading What Is This Training All About? Have you ever asked one of these questions while trading? - "Is this a good entry point?" - "Is it too late for me...

Keith Cuthbertson – Quantitative Financial Economics

Keith Cuthbertson - Quantitative Financial EconomicsFrom the Inside FlapQuantitative Financial Economics provides a comprehensive introduction to models of economic behaviour in financial markets, focusing on analysis in discrete time. Following the huge success of the first...