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for ThinkorSwim, NinjaTrader7, NinjaTader8 platforms.

DynaRange shows projected swing targets based on price momentum before it becomes obvious to the market.


DynaRange® Indicator + Recorded Live-Trading with David Starr
Using this Indicator made more than $199k in less than 24 hours on John Carter's first trades when released

This is a new limited-time offer for David Starr's DynaRange® indicator. Use the tools he's using in order to get in earlier on more powerful and faster high probability moves. “Where will this move top out?” is a common question asked by traders. DynaRange was built by Simpler’s own David Starr with the goal of answering that question.

DynaRange®is built on the idea that price swings terminate at inflection points in momentum. When momentum slows it may precede a change in direction. The DynaRange indicator shows us projected swing targets based on this calculation of price momentum and allows us to exit a trade before it becomes obvious to the market that momentum has slowed and the trend reverses.

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