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– Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts

Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick formations, from identification guidelines and statistical analysis of their behavior to detailed trading tactics. Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts also includes chapters that contain important discoveries and statistical summaries, as well as a glossary of relevant terms and a visual index to make candlestick identification easy.


"This book is a handy reference for beginners to advanced Technical Analysts. It contains statistical data for the performance of over 100 Candlestick patterns in both bull and bear markets, offers identification guidelines, and explores the performance of tall versus short candles and shadows. Of particular interest are the chapters which delve into important discoveries and those which explain each Table entry in detail and discuss the methodologies behind them. A useful addition it the visual index. Overall the easy to read makes this book a welcome addition to most Technical Analysis bookcases."
—IFTA Journal

Product Description

Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick formations, from identification guidelines and statistical analysis of their behavior to detailed trading tactics. Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts also includes chapters that contain important discoveries and statistical summaries, as well as a glossary of relevant terms and a visual index to make candlestick identification easy.

From the Inside Flap

Candlesticks can help you become a better trader, but only if you learn how they work, know what to look for, and understand the trading setups that can bring out their best. Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts can help you do all this and much more.

Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski's bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns?and structured in the same way?this easy-to-read and -use reference book takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick formations, from identification guidelines and statistical analysis of their behavior to detailed trading tactics.

In each chapter of Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts, you'll find:

Behavior and Rank, which show how each candle is theoretically supposed to work and how it actually does in both bull and bear markets, including rankings against other candlesticks plus the psychology behind the pattern

Identification Guidelines that describe what to look for

Statistics, which include the following tables: general statistics, height statistics, andvolume stats

Trading Tactics that discuss strategies to increase profits and minimize risk, plus tables of reversal rates and indicators to improve performance

Sample Trades, which walk you through a hypothetical or actual trade using real data

For Best Performance, a quick-reference tableof selection tips to boost performance

Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts also includes chapters that contain important discoveries, statistical summaries, a discussion of distinct methodologies that explain each table entry in detail, a glossary of relevant terms, and a visual index to make candlestick identification easy.

Whether you're a novice trader or an experienced hedge fund manager, the Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts has something for you. No other book combines a comprehensive list of candlesticks with a statistical review of their performance?in both bull and bear markets?in one easily accessible package. The information you find here will quickly enhance your understanding of this field and allow you to trade in a more effective way.

From the Back Cover

Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts

"Great research, great organization, and a wealth of information. Not only does Tom identify the best formations, he shows the practical way to trade each one. And, he puts the best results right in front, rather than playing hide-and-seek with the reader. You don't need to be a chartist to get value from this book. I highly recommend it."

—Perry Kaufman, author of New Trading Systems and Methods, Fourth Edition

"Man cannot live on bread alone, and according to Tom Bulkowski's research, one cannot trade by candlesticks alone. Tom's intensive statistical work seeks out the truth in the frequency and reliability of trading with candlestick charts. His exhaustive and thorough research will give the reader an eye opener to help guide them in their trading decisions. This is a must-read edition of a high-caliber piece of trading literature for every trader who uses candlecharts."

—John Person, author of Candlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers and President of

"When I wrote the Third Edition of Candlestick Charting Explained, I believed I had thoroughly covered every aspect of this respectable analysis technique. Tom has written a solid reference that can easily be used in coordination with other books in this exciting field. The Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts is a reference that every technical analyst will want to own."

—Gregory L. Morris, Senior Portfolio Manager, PMFM, Inc., and author of Candlestick Charting Explained, Third Edition and The Complete Guide to Market Breadth Indicators

About the Author

(Keller, TX) is a successful full-time investor, the author of Trading Classic Chart Patterns and Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, First Edition. He is also a contributor to Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, SFO, and Active Trader magazines. Before earning enough from his investments to "retire" from his day job at age 36, Bulkowski was a hardware design engineer with Raytheon and a senior software engineer for Tandy Corporation.

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